Executive Summary
- Satisfaction with the development of the new harbour was also high as 66% very or fairly satisfied, 10% neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, and 17% fairly or very dissatisfied. Satisfaction with the way the wind farm is being developed was slightly lower at 56% either satisfied or dissatisfied, but those neither satisfied or dissatisfied was higher at 18%, suggesting many are going to 'wait and see', and just 10% dissatisfied.
- Respondents also agreed that the developers of the Sheringham Shoal Wind Farm as Professional (66%), Trustworthy (51%), Open (56%), Honest (52%) and Community Focussed (52%).
- 71% of respondents felt they were either very of fairly informed about the wind farm. Many had also heard of the benefits of the wind farm development through the local media, with newsletters and local paper being the main source, and the preferred source in future, along with local meetings, reflecting perhaps the needs of an older population.
- Awareness of the office in Staithe Street was very high, at 86%, and the same number also thought it was important to have such a presence.
- Many were interested in finding out more, including a visit to the wind farm site, educational visits to schools, talks and careers advice by developers. Few were able to think of anything that could be done to improve their perceptions of the wind farm.